Q- What happens after the CRT device is inserted?

You will be moved to the recovery area. You will stay there until the relaxing medicine has worn off. A healthcare provider will give you pain medicines as needed. You may need to stay in the hospital for a day or two while your doctor checks and adjusts the settings on your CRT device.

After you leave the hospital, it will be important to follow all of your doctor's advice and keep all follow-up appointments.

Here’s what you can expect once you’re home:

  • You should be able to follow your normal diet.
  • You may need to limit activities such as lifting, straining, and stretching for the first 6 weeks. Ask your healthcare provider when you can return to specific activities.
  • Keep the dressing clean and dry until your healthcare provider tells you it is OK to remove the dressing and take a shower.
  • Check your incision area for any signs of infection. Let your healthcare provider know if you have any fever, redness, soreness, discharge, bleeding, or swelling.

Here are likely long-term instructions for living with your CRT device:

  • Make sure to have your doctor check the functioning of your device regularly. This should be done at least once every 6 months.
  • Carry a CRT pacemaker identification card and let all your caregivers know about your device.
  • Your pacemaker battery will last for about 4 to 8 years. Your doctor will be able to tell about 6 months before the battery runs down. Replacing the CRT pacemaker is a minor procedure.
  • It’s a good idea to keep all electrical devices about 6 inches away from your CRT pacemaker. They can interfere with its function.
  • You may need to stay away from devices that have strong magnetic fields. These include electrical generators and appliances like microwaves. Talk with your healthcare provider if you have any questions about what to avoid.
  • Most X-rays and metal detectors are safe, but you should avoid metal wands used for airport screenings and MRI imaging tests.

Reference- Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. (2019). https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/cardiac-resynchronization-therapy