Catheter insertion site care
- Wound site could be the Femoral artery(area at the groin, top of your thigh) or radial artery (in the arm).
- Usually, at the time of discharge to home, bandage(dressing) will be placed over the wound which can be removed at home on the next day of your procedure preferably after the shower.
- For a few days, it is common for the insertion site of the catheter to be black and blue, slightly swollen with a red hue.
- Make sure to wash the site with soap and water once a day and keep the area dry and clean.
- Do not soak in a bathtub, Jacuzzi, swimming pool for at least 1 week after the procedure
- Review the medications you need to take with your doctor.
- Please make sure that you understand the drugs you will take after the procedure, and how often you should take them.
- Talk to your doctor regarding your diabetes medication as the dosages shall be adjusted as required.
- Drink eight and ten glasses of water to clear the contrast content out of your body following the procedure.
For femoral cardiac catheterization-
- For the first 3 to 4 days after the catheterization, do not strain during bowel movements to avoid bleeding from the location where the catheter was inserted.
- Do not lift, move or drag heavy objects for the first 5 to 7 days following the procedure.
- Do not indulge in strenuous activities for 2 days after the procedure which includes jogging, golfing tennis and bowling.
- Make sure you get back to your normal level of activity within a week after the procedure.
For radial cardiac catheterization-
- Do not indulge in strenuous activities for 2 days after the procedure which includes jogging, golfing tennis and bowling.
- Make sure you get back to your normal level of activity within a week after the procedure.
- Make sure to discuss with your doctor about resuming your job, sexual activity, driving and follow the instructions accordingly.
- Follow the dietary changes as suggested by your health care team, quit smoking, do regular exercise, do not miss your follow-up appointments.