Commure Engage (formerly Rx.Health) is a digital medicine platform for care providers to prescribe automated appointment reminders, directions, apps, surveys, care plans, and health education content at the point of care, via text.
The Rx.Health platform is accessible through web browsers (we recommend using Chrome). Please use the link below to login:
A. Go to in a web (Chrome) browser.
- USERNAME: Input your username (for
- PASSWORD: Enter your password that was shared with you via email.
B. Reset password immediately
- Re-enter the default password provided
- Type in your new password (Note: It should be a minimum of 8 characters, have one upper case character, have at least one number and one special character)
- Re-enter your new password and click on Submit.
2. How to manually enroll patients into the program:
Dashboard Prescription -
- On the left-hand panel click the custom dashboard tab and select "Open" to access the AGA CRC Dashboard - Hope Health.
- This will take you to the Dashboard Overview.
- Prior to making a prescription, search for the patient by (1) MRN, (2) Phone Number, or (3) First OR Last Name, under the search bar to confirm whether or not they have an active prescription on the dashboard.
- If the patient does not populate onto the dashboard when you search for them, this indicates they have not received a DNP prescription in the past. This is a new patient that is receiving a prescription for the first time.
- To make a prescription for this patient, select the 'Prescribe' button at the top right-hand corner
- The following window will pop up at time of prescription for the prescription
- Select the correct DNP pathway: AGA; CRC screening activation
- Select patient specific language: English/Spanish
- Enter the patient’s first and last name
- Enter the patient's MRN number
- Enter the patient's mobile phone number
- Select Physician name from whom the prescription is requested
- Click prescribe
3. Dashboard Capabilities:
- Custom Dashboard overview columns:
- Patients Name and MRN
- Patients Phone and Email
- Physician name
- Clinic name if patients is enrolled for a colonoscopy procedure
- Pathway/Language indicates where within the workflow the patient currently is, whether they are in the activation phase or testing phase, and what their language preference is.
- Engagement Status displays the different statuses that are available in real time such as Opted Out, Symptoms Present, No Symptoms, Interested in the Study (Clicked/Not Clicked), Not Interested in the Study, Ineligible, econsent (signed/declined), Speak to Care Coordinator, Reminder Sent, and SDoH Enrolled. You can also filter out prescriptions by any of these statuses using the filter options at the top.
- Digital Readiness: Yes - If patients are digitally ready, No - If patients are not digitally ready.
- Gift card status: Once the patient is enrolled, the status will show "Eligible and Pending" and once the gift card has been sent it will update to "Received". fills in survey with show Eligible and Pending, One Semi automation triggered the bulk DPN status gets updated to Received. Patients that are not eligible to enroll will show a status of "Ineligible".
- Prescription Type: One to One/Bulk prescription with date and time stamp.
- Delivery Status: Displays the date/time and delivery status of the last message sent.
Triggering a Semi-automated Nudge
Once the patient has enrolled in the program and needs to be sent their gift card incentive or when they have confirmed their preferred screening option with their physician, you will need to send a semi-automated nudge that will enroll them in a new pathway. In order to do so, check the box on the far lefthand side of the prescription row and navigate to the "Actions" menu in the top right corner. You will then select "Bulk Prescribe" and the following nudges will be available for you to send.
Please note that all of the pathways are available in both English and Spanish, so be sure you are selecting the correct pathway before prescribing to the patient. The colonoscopy workflows are separated based on which clinic they are having their procedure at so be sure those details are correct as well. Finally, be sure to input the patient's procedure date and time for those patients that are having a colonoscopy.
Prescription View Details
- Under patient details, you can view patient demographics at the top along with:
- All Messages that have been sent.
- Survey results
- Notes
- Pathways that have been sent
- Status History displaying the delivery status for each message
To track all the messages that were already sent to the patient, as well as all the messages queued to be sent, including the date and time stamps, click on the Messages tab. The messages that were sent out are at the bottom of the page, the messages that are queued to be sent are towards the top. The sequence of messages that are to go out are in reverse chronological order. You can also utilize the free text box at the top to send ad hoc messages directly to the patient.
To track all the Surveys response that were already submitted by the patient, including the date and time stamps, click on the Survey tab. The sequence of Survey replies is in reverse chronological order.
To generate a note pertaining to the patients chart you are in, click on the Notes tab, enter your note in the free text box, and click "Save Note". Note: this function is for internal use only and is not viewable to the patient.
To cancel a prescription, or make updates to the information entered at the time of prescription, select the pathways tab. In order to cancel the prescription, you must cancel ALL the rules that are listed under the Pathways tab - click on the cancel button, and then the check mark. The pathways should then state ' Cancelled'.
To update the patient's appointment date or time, locate the correct pathway and click Update. A new form will be displayed allowing you to make the required changes. Once done, click on Update in the bottom right corner to save the changes.